Challenges and Inequities in Indonesian Education


Have you ever felt that education in Indonesia is left far behind? How do you feel about it? As a society from a developing country, we want all aspects of our country to be more advanced. One of the main factors that influence it is education This essay will talk about the lack of education in Indonesia which includes: the lack of effectiveness of education owned by Indonesia, the high price of proper education so that not all Indonesians can get an equal education, and the lack of quality educational technology to help improve education.

Our current curriculum has some downsides such as Lack of education effectiveness. This is caused by the curriculum that forces students to master all subjects equally. As a result, many potential students who should stand out are covered by subjects that are less mastered. Education in Indonesia should focus more on developing students' interests and talents. This approach can enhance both soft skills and hard skills, which will be more useful for their future and careers. For example, we can implement an effective educational method known as "SMART," which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Expensive education costs so not all citizens can get a good education. Almost half of the citizens are not financially stable. Meanwhile, not all good educational facilities in Indonesia are covered for free. This can create educational gap and low human resource. We hope that the cost of education will be more affordable by providing subsidies for schools spread throughout Indonesia. This can help the problem of expensive education in Indonesia.

The quality of bad technology will have an impact on the quality of education. Financial capability and the uneven distribution of technology have an impact on education in Indonesia. Technology is a key in improving education. Therefore, the hope is that it is time for Indonesia to channel resources or subsidize technology to educational institutions spread throughout Indonesia.

The conclusion is, education in Indonesia is still lagging behind due to several weaknesses in the current curriculum, such as the lack of educational effectiveness, high education costs that prevent all citizens from accessing good education, and quality of bad technology that impacts the quality of education. To advance the country, these aspects need to be improved so that all citizens can receive a quality education equally.

Kelompok 10:

1. Noor Panca Maulana (1202204283)

2. Raden Endra Wijaya (1202204300)

3. Alif Fajar Maulana (1202200139)

4. Irvan Sihaloho (1202202392)

5. Muhammad Rizki Rafsyandjani (1202202291)


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